Not gone from anywhere in particular, just not putting anything on my blog. I don't know if anyone has every looked at my blog, but I'm going to keep posting on it anyway - it's kinda nice to put down into words what my old noggin' is thinking!!
My work has been way too busy and I haven't had much time off from it this summer, but I'm taking tomorrow off (no one knows yet!) and try to do some fun stuff around the house.
One of the things I am going to tackle is my back door. I have 2 old green chippy shutters that a friend was going to throw away that I raced and took off her hands!!! What a lucky find for me!! I have had them for a number of years and not used them but now I think I will put them on either side of our back door. We used to have a doorbell but it failed and then rusted onto the siding so I think this will be a perfect "patch" - and look absolutely primitive as well. I then will be able to adorn the shutters as per the season and not worry about punching holes in the siding!! This should make my husband very happy!! I have to convince the husband to take them down from them garage rafters tonight so I can get this done!! I also have some honeysuckle vines up there that I would love to play with some - maybe I can think of some way to use them on the door frame as well. We'll see!!
I also am going to tackle the fountain that I spoke about in a earlier blog (I think!). What I have is an old copper boiler that was at one time air tight, and my dad gave me a water pump that he I'm going to make a fountain to put on the deck - I hope!!! I'll have to work on that a bit, polishing etc. to get things going. Not sure if I need to treat the water in the boiler to keep it algae free or not, but a friend puts bleach in hers......I wonder what the bleach will do to copper? I may investigate that one a bit!!
And then, I'm going to finish getting all my fall goodies out in the house and outside!! I'm a fall girl and I decided that I need that stuff out now.....I need to feel good and boy, does it make me feel good!!!
That's it for now....I will try to update after I have updated!! Have a good one!
Change is good , right ? New Blog
7 years ago
Thanks for visiting my blog and I'm following you now too! You can call and "pick my brain" any time you want to. I love my shop, but don't be mistaken, it is a true labor of love and lots of hard work (especially in this economy). Have a great holiday, Dawn